Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Journal #1

“Your Google Guide” by Douglas  Johnson


Google is an Internet application that many individuals make use of in this day in age. The journal article titled “Your Google Guide” pointed out that people even use the word Google in the verb form, because it is an action utilized so frequently. This was an interesting article providing specific techniques to improve searching strategies and the results of searches.

The author also highlighted the importance of knowing what you are searching for. When using the Google application, innumerable websites will often pop-up when searching a specific word or phrase.  Therefore, it is important that you are receiving the specific information that you desire. This journal offers insight into different searching strategies such as employing advanced search tools and being able to decipher the differences between sponsored and non-sponsored sites.  Some of these tools include the specific searches of images, scholarly (academic) publications, book searches, and maps. The goal of this journal article was to help foster the search skills of both students and teachers by not only conducting a “simple” Google search.


How can I use Google in my classroom?

I can use Google in my classroom to look up information including ideas for lesson plans and activities for the classroom.


How would I explain the importance of proper Google search strategies to my students?

I would ensure that my students are aware that vague or simple Google searches will not provide them appropriate information. Additionally, I would tell my students to be certain that they are accessing accurate and credible information from their searches. They need to be specific when it comes to keywords and search strategies, as well as searching through their results in order to avoid both of these issues.

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