Mapping Student Minds
By Ariel Owen
This article introduces a technological application known as Casual Mapping. Although this tool can be used for grades 5-12, this article describes a sixth grade class using this application to investigate a local creek. With the assistance of an online database and casual mapping tool, students were able to collect, record and organize data. Prior to using this application, students turned in all of the data that they collected from the creek to a select student at their school. Other students would then enter the data into an Excel spreadsheet. Thanks to technological advances, they are now able to use a Palm Pilot data form that can be downloaded directly to their database.
The goal for these sixth grade students is to connect information to cause and effect in the annual changes of the creek. They accomplish this through Casual Mapper, a organizational computer application. Casual Mapper is an interactive online tool that has assisted students in focusing their results for cause and effect, as well as allowing them to express their understanding of these interactions. They are able to diagram their thoughts through building a casual map that displays the relationships between measurable factors such as their data from the creek, and the condition of the creek. Casual mapping begins with a topic, then requires listing factors and eventually showing relationships between the factors through arrows. The students seem to enjoy using this application and it is a wonderful tool for evaluating data and coming up with conclusions.
Why would Casual Mapper be beneficial to use in the classroom?
For teachers, Casual Mapper can be used as a support tool for teaching a lesson. Allowing students to view a casual map, while teaching a specific concept or topic, may allow students to follow along easier leading to a better understanding of the material. When students use this application they are able to think critically while organizing their ideas. By discovering relational patters between factors, they are gaining essential knowledge and understanding of their topic. Although they may sometimes become confused or make mistakes, they are usually able to self-correct and problem solve in order to come up with logical answers or conclusions. Additionally, this tool also allows a teacher to evaluate a students understanding of material.
Why would Casual Mapper or Palm Pilot data form be good tools for anyone to use?
Casual Mapper allows an individual to put information and data down on paper. Being able to visually see information and create relationships between this information, opens the door to structure, organization, ultimately leading to a better understanding. Using Palm Pilot data form is a great way for individuals to eliminate the potential for miscalculations or errors that are more likely when writing or keying in data.
Sometimes technology can have positive effects on student performance due to its novelty. Its long-term effects are yet to be seen.